Non woven bags, jute bags
The best in non woven bags is also getting very famous as modern gifts in the corporate world. Gifts emphasize the need for bonding and it is a token of appreciation of the efforts. Excellent promotional gifts are also seen with jute bags. With more people supporting the cause of ecology, the non woven variety is getting popular.
Admirable styles in jute are seen as small bags, grocery bags, satchels and also ladies bags. Along with wooden handles and shoulder bags, the colors in mauve, lilac, green and orange are astonishing.
The logo can be engraved or hand painted and this brings out the color well. Small pouches, foldable bags in non woven variety, sling bags and also travel related compact bags are surely seen in a wide range of fluorescent colors and regular black and white shades.
Stitched along with compartments for bottles and other pockets for regular items, the colors in the bags are
amazing and adds a new style to gifting.
The vast range includes Jute shopping bags, Jute promotional bags, Jute tote bags, designer jute bags etc
Eco friendly Promotional Jute bags and accessories